Kuasimi: Don't screw with Russia!

Updated: 2007-06-01 11:29

Whether Russia's latest missiles will or won't work with the usaul "know it all Uncle Sam's balls licker" contending it won't, fact is Putin got the attention he wanted. By sending this strong warning with a shot across the bow; Putin made it clear Russia has teeths and she is prepared to use it. Put simply, "Don't screw with Russia!"

Now this is the only way to deal with Bully America! Take her head on instead of compromise, acquiesce or even giving in her. History has shown those who'd yielded to America, they only ended up seeing more harrasment, intimodations and insults pile on them.

Fact is you will never and can never please America because America lives off creating mischiefs. Troubles and mischiefs is highly profitable to America. It how America has gotten rich, powerful and to where she is!

This notion that America is deploying her missiles in Eastern Europe to "prevent rouge nations from sneak attacks" is pure unadulterated Yankee BS. Putin and Russia aware of this ruse, responded to it head on, strongly and openly!

The fact is it is neither to prevent nor safeguard anyone. It is simply a dirty excuse to let America deploy her strategy of self-preservation at other's expanse. That is her strategy of ensuring Americans never have to fight wars in their homes, cities and streets. But instead on someone else's neighbourhood.

Using this strategy America in all the wars she created, started or participated, America's infractures, homes, schools, factories etc. had ended up untouched. More important, Americans, especially their wives, mothers and children had never really had to contend with the real horrors of wars i.e. the deaths and destructions right infront of them in their daily lives.

This is why America is constantly stirring up troubles. Because by this devious design of creating and promoting troubles elsewhere, America keeps these troubles occupied and bottled up on site and away from America's own backyard - "Exporting Chaos", so to speak!

Those who buy this garbage about America's compassion, her goodwill and champion for the oppressed has been sold a sack of crock. Fact is America is just the opposite. She is selfish, bloodthirsty manipulator who will lie, bully and even kill women and children for her own self- interest. This has been proven repeatedly in America's long sordid history of her being "protector, peacemaker or peace broker"!

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