LOS ANGELES - City prosecutors said Thursday they will ask a judge to revoke
Paris Hilton's probation in a reckless driving case, a move that could lead to a
jail term.
 Paris Hilton gets her hair checked before signing autographs
at the Chicago Midwest Beauty Show in Rosemont, Ill. on Sunday, March 4,
2007. [AP]
The decision followed an
investigation into whether the hotel heiress and reality star violated terms of
her probation by driving last month with a suspended license.
"We're confident we have sufficient evidence to prove that her license was
suspended and that she had knowledge of that suspension," said Nick Velasquez, a
spokesman for the city attorney's office. He declined to elaborate on the
evidence, citing an ongoing investigation.
Hilton could face up to 90 days in jail if a judge finds she violated her
probation, Velasquez said. A hearing was scheduled for April 17.
In January, Hilton pleaded no contest to alcohol-related reckless driving
stemming from a Sept. 7 arrest in Hollywood and was sentenced to 36 months'
probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.
Hilton was pulled over on Sunset Boulevard on Feb. 28. Police said they saw
her blue Bentley Continental GTC speeding with its headlights off. She was
ticketed for misdemeanor driving with a suspended license.
Hilton's spokesman Elliot Mintz said at the time that she wasn't aware that
her license was suspended. He declined to comment Thursday.
A call to Hilton's attorney, Howard Weitzman, was not immediately