North Korea

DPRK cabinet discusses economic situation

Updated: 2006-10-11 10:57
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PYONGYANG -- The Cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has held a meeting to discuss the country's economic situation for next year's recovery, the official Minju Jonson reported on Tuesday.

"The Cabinet discussed the production issues related to electricity, coal and metal industry," said the newspaper, adding that "the upcoming autumn harvestry was also on the agenda."

The newspaper did not release any exact data about the DPRK economy. According to the Minju Jonson, the Cabinet has asked for related departments to provide essential fund and materials for production of electricity, coal and metal industry.

"It's very important to provide enough electricity and fuel for the need of autumn harvestry underway," it said.

"The government should have enough fund to purchase more grain from farmers for assuring more foodstuff reserve," it added.

Three major storms hit DPRK in July, affecting more than 200,000 hectares of land, destroyying 100,000 tons of crops and tens of thousand buildings.

The meeting was held after the DPRK claimed to have conducted a nuclear test on Monday.