Odd News

Green substance not pistachio ice cream

Updated: 2006-10-11 09:43
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MARIANNA, Fla. - The ice cream container had a green substance in it, but it wasn't pistachio. Jackson County's sheriff's office said a woman was arrested Sunday for trying to bring marijuana hidden in an ice cream container to an inmate.

Lacheral Williams, 27, was charged with the introduction of contraband to a correctional facility after she was searched by an employee at Sunland Pathways, sheriff's Major John Dennis said.

Authorities said they found "a green leafy substance" in a pint-sized ice cream container Williams had brought with her when she came to visit a resident of the forensic unit for developmentally disabled offenders.

No one else was charged because the marijuana never made its way to a resident, authorities told the Jackson County Floridan.

The 34-bed Sunland Pathways facility is surrounded by a fence with razor wire, and is meant for offenders who have been judged high-functioning but borderline mentally retarded.