More than half of dog owners and nearly 40 percent of cat owners buy their pets gifts for Christmas or Hanukkah, according to the American Pet Products Association. [Photo By Mary Altaffer/Ap]
6 Wildlife lovers: The World Wildlife Fund lets you select two mugs featuring Morten Koldby images of species the nonprofit is working to protect: The tiger, snow leopard, rhino and bison. Choose two different animals or a matching set of the same animal. Each mug holds 12.5 ounces. They're a thank you for a donation of $55. Go to WWFcatalog.org.
Colorful and frameable wildlife photographs are widely available. Hunt around for a favored species and spring for a nice frame.
Or pick up a box of animal-theme note cards. Also widely available. While you're at it, the US Postal Service has Forever 47-cent pet stamps in a book of 20 with photographs by Eric Isselee. Puppies, betta fish, iguanas, mice, hermit crabs, chinchillas, corn snakes and, yes, dogs and cats are among them. Wildlife stamps are also out there.
7 Pet treats: Gifty boxed-up collections that look like human food fit right into the humanization of pets trend building over the years, said PetSmart's Larson.
Her company carries treats that look like cannolis and macaroons, along with a bag of treats in the shape of lumps of coal, from Bocce's Bakery. Organic. $4.49.
Outwardhound.com sells a cheery plastic doggie slot machine that will dispense kibble when a dog pulls down a front compartment. $24.99.