How a screwdriver screwed up a nuke plant

2011-02-17 16:27:20

A screwdriver has been identified as the cause of trouble that halted the operation of a nuclear power plant in the southern part of South Korea, according to local reports on Thursday.

Japan may send robot to tweet in space

2011-02-17 13:21:06

Lonely astronauts on the International Space Station may soon be getting an android friend from Japan.

Film untangles life of celebrity German playboy

2011-02-16 17:07:06

The life of Germany's most celebrated playboy has made a big screen splash at the Berlin film festival, offering a riveting portrayal of the Jewish night club mogul who helped post-war Berlin learn to laugh again.

Girl with 26 digits aims for record

2011-02-17 08:07:35

A mother in Myanmar says her baby girl's 12 fingers and 14 toes have been no disadvantage - her grip may even be stronger than normal - and now she's grasping for a Guinness record.

Zoo prepares cross-eyed cat for celebrity

2011-02-16 15:09:57

Hot on the heels of cross-eyed opossum Heidi's smash success at the Leipzig Zoo, a nearby animal park in eastern Germany has been preparing its own cross-eyed creature for possible celebrity.

Australian man washed overboard survives long swim

2011-02-16 11:13:32

Australian police say a fisherman who was knocked overboard by a rogue wave survived a six-hour swim to shore without a lifejacket.

Donkeys get married on eve of Valentine's Day

2011-02-14 17:46:07

Two donkeys get married on the eve of Valentine's Day at a zoo in Santo Domingo.

Longest kiss in history: 46-hour Thai smooch

2011-02-15 08:50:35

It was one long kiss _ one world-breaking embrace for mankind.

Ohio jurors want to pay man they quickly acquitted

2011-02-11 09:08:39

At least three jurors in Cleveland say the evidence was so thin against a man jailed for weeks in an assault case that they want to give him their juror pay.

Barking dogs can land owner in jail

2011-02-11 08:59:47

If you live in Italy and if the barking of your dogs keeps the neighbors up at night, it's you who might wind up caged -- in a jail cell.

Crematorium to heat water for town's swimmers

2011-02-10 09:42:04

A local authority in England has given the go ahead for a swimming pool to use energy created by the next-door crematorium to heat its water.

Deaf dog gets sign language training

2011-02-10 09:14:30

A dog who couldn't hear has learned some sign language thanks to inmates at a US prison and children at a school for the deaf.