YANGON - Myanmar President U Htin Kyaw on Monday hailed the achievements scored by the United Nations in maintaining international peace, security and sustainable development over the past decades.
In his message on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the United Nations, U Htin Kyaw said "Peace, security and development are inter-related and inter-connected. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without peace. Peace is not sustainable without development. Poverty eradication stands as one of the solutions in addressing many of today's challenges".
The president said that realization of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development Goals is a priority for the United Nations and its member states.
Saying cooperating with the United Nations is a cornerstone of Myanmar's foreign policy, he pledged his country's commitment to continuing its strong support for the world organization in addressing common challenges through international cooperation.
He also reaffirmed Myanmar's faith and confidence in the purposes and principles described in the UN Charter and pledged support for all UN efforts for development, peace, security and human rights so as to bring about better future for the mankind.