Ontario VIPs have busy week in China

Updated: 2016-05-05 11:48

By Na Li in Toronto(China Daily)

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Securing investment for green energy innovation, renewing the long-term friendship between Ontario and Henan provinces and holding a successful investment roundtable isn't bad for a week's work.

"China is an important and long-term partner for Ontario in trade development and investment," said Michael Chan, minister of citizenship, immigration and international trade, who was just back from the trip. "We reached a new milestone with our long-time friend, Henan province, and we have made a tremendous investment in our economy, our labour market and our environment."

In Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan, Chan and Canadian Deputy Premier Deb Matthews held an investment roundtable delivering a compelling case for Ontario as the choice destination for 25 Chinese investors looking for growth opportunities in North America.

Following the roundtable, executives from HauHauNiu Milk Industry Inc and the Henan Medical Devices Association expressed interest in visiting Ontario to learn more about its relevant business sectors.

Also while in Zhengzhou, Matthews renewed a friendship agreement with Henan province that was first signed in 2007. The agreement will encourage economic cooperation and trade between the two provinces, as well as advance exchanges in the fields of education, tourism and culture.

In Shanghai, the officials witnessed the signing of a green energy agreement that will have Menergy Corporation of Ontario collaborate with four Chinese partners to establish a Green Energy Innovation Centre in Toronto. The centre will showcase green energy solutions, act as an incubator for green energy companies and create market access for Canadian products in China. The project is expected to create 125 new jobs by 2021.

Finally in Shaoxing, East China's Zhejiang province, the officials toured the headquarters of Wanfeng, the parent company of Meridian, to learn about their investments in Ontario and potential plans for expansion. Meridian operates a facility in the London, Ontario, area that produces magnesium and aluminum cast products for the global transportation industry, and a flight school in southwestern Ontario.

"This past week was a great success for Ontario. The agreements signed between Menergy Corporation and their Chinese partners will help to bolster Ontario's growing green-energy sector," said Matthews.
