Canadian MBA programs lure Chinese students

Updated: 2015-08-20 05:22

By Wang Ru(China Daily Canada)

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By For the fourth consecutive year, a group of Canadian business schools will travel to China to hold two MBA fairs in September to attract more Chinese applicants.

Co-hosted by the Canadian Embassy in Beijing and the Canada-China Business Council, 10 leading business schools from Canada will send their representatives to Beijing and Tianjin.

Most of the business schools ranked among Canada’s top 10 in 2014, schools that include Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia; Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary, and Alberta School of Business at the University of Alberta.

The MBA fair will have different sessions including host panel discussion on advantages of a business education in Canada, alumni panel discussion, and one-on-one interviews with potential students.

In addition, the Canadian Immigration Office of the Canadian Embassy will give a presentation on study permit applications, post graduate work permit program, and other immigration policies.

China is reportedly short of professional managers that are capable of working in a global market. But its domestic MBA education is widely regarded as an “elite education” that lacks efficient teaching techniques.

About one-third of Chinese overseas students in North America are in business schools. Some schools conduct classes in mandarin.

Canada has renowned business schools with understanding of global markets and business management skills in both conventional industries, such as energy, and cutting-edge technological industries.

China is the largest source of international students in Canada. There are about 700,000 Chinese students studying in Canada’s high schools and universities, which accounts for one-third of the total international students in Canada.

According to figures from the Canadian Bureau for International Education,the number of overseas students in Canada has been growing 10 to12 percent every year.

The Canadian government announced in 2014 that the country plans to double the number of international students to 450,000 by 2022.

The internationals students would create 86,000 jobs and C$10 billion to the annual GDP of Canada.

Colleges and universities in Canada have been facing financial difficulties in recent years because of education budget cuts by provincial governments. The recruitment of international students will help to ease the problem.

International graduate students in particular, with excellence in scientific research, play an important role in Canada’s science and technology research and development.

Moreover, visits of students’ parents and friends are seen as potential tourists and consumers.

For more information about the upcoming MBA Fairs, please log on to
