New US bombs targeting DPRK: media

Updated: 2011-11-30 22:07


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PYONGYANG- The Minju Josun newspaper of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said in an article issued Wednesday that the production and deployment of new type of bombs by the United States are aimed at attacking the DPRK.

According to the article, the bombs developed and deployed by the US are for "destroying military objects of the anti-imperialists independent countries, including the DPRK."

It is the US scheme to stifle the DPRK by force of arms at any cost and thus establish its military hegemony over Northeast Asia and create conditions favorable for realizing its ambition for world supremacy, the article said.

It added that to this end, it (the United States) seeks to put its strategy of preemptive attack on the DPRK into practice.

"The DPRK has no other choice but to take due self-defensive countermeasures on the condition that the US poses a serious threat to the DPRK", it noted.

It is reported that the US conducted a test of ultra supersonic flying bomb some time ago that is capable of striking anywhere of the world within an hour. The United States has begun to deliver bunker-buster, a new-type bomb for destroying underground structure, to its Air Force units.