

Colombian president's facebook account hacked

Updated: 2011-07-21 14:31


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BOGOTA - The Facebook page of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was hacked Wednesday, also the country's Independence Day, the president said via Twitter.

The hackers, who called themselves "Anonymous", linked the president's personal page to a video entitled "False Independence", which argues it's impossible to celebrate independence in a country with persisting issues such as violence and unemployment.

The same group of hackers also hacked the twitter account of Santos' predecessor Alvaro Uribe, who was in office from 2002 to 2010.

"Anonymous" is a worldwide network of unidentified individuals who launch collaborative and international hack attacks. The group rose to infamy in 2010 through cyber attacks to support WikiLeaks, as well as other attacks on Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and security firms.


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