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Neighbors sign peace deal to stop feud

Updated: 2011-06-16 09:07


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KUALA LUMPUR – A handshake wasn't enough for two Malaysian neighbors embroiled in a lengthy and bitter feud sparked by complaints over barking dogs -- the two actually signed a peace treaty.

The three-year battle began when one of the men complained to the police in Malaysia's southern Johor state, where they lived, about his neighbor's noisy dogs, the Star newspaper reported.

Neighbors sign peace deal to stop feud

The dog owner retaliated by playing loud music at night, throwing cans of paint into his neighbor's house and driving his car into the gate. His neighbor filed a counter complaint about the music.

When both men decided to end the feud recently, they opted for a signed peace deal or "Memorandum of Understanding" to keep each other in check.

One of the main points in the peace deal, brokered by a public complaints bureau, is that the dog owner has to find a way to minimize barking at night.

"If either of the two men decides to break the Memorandum of Understanding, the other can bring this document and present it either to the police or in court," said mediator Michael Tay.

"I hope both men can live in peace with each other."


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