

Space shuttle commander talks to wife almost daily

Updated: 2011-05-26 13:45


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Space shuttle commander talks to wife almost daily
Space shuttle Endeavour Commander Mark Kelly answers questions during a news conference from aboard the International Space Station in this image from NASA TV May 25, 2011. [Photo/Agencies] 

TUCSON - Space shuttle Endeavour commander Mark Kelly says he talks to his wife wounded congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords almost daily by phone.

Kelly was interviewed by Tucson television stations in a live link-up Wednesday night with NASA TV.

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Since about the fifth day of the shuttle mission, Kelly says he's talked to his wife every night before he goes to sleep.

Kelly didn't reveal details of their conversations, but says the Arizona congresswoman "sounds good and is really upbeat" as she continues rehabilitation at a Houston hospital.

Space shuttle commander talks to wife almost daily

Giffords was shot in the head on January 8 in Tucson during a rampage that left six dead and 13 wounded.

Kelly says it's unlikely his wife will attend the shuttle's landing on June 1 because it's scheduled for "about 2 in the morning."


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