

US police spokesman suspended over Tyrone email

Updated: 2011-05-13 09:37


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BRIDGEPORT - A police department spokesman in Connecticut who sent reporters an email joking about creating cartoon mug shots for generic criminals with names such as Miguel the Murderer and Tyrone the Thief has been suspended without pay.

US police spokesman suspended over Tyrone email

Bridgeport Police Department spokesman Tim Quinn joked in Thursday's email reporters should hire a cartoonist to draw mug shots of fictional characters instead of waiting for police to release the real photos. He described Miguel as a "kind of skinny rat wearing a dirty tee shirt" and Tyrone as an "ugly mixed breed mongrel with sunglasses."

Miguel is a common Hispanic name, like the English Michael. Tyrone is a name more common among African-Americans.

The president of the Connecticut chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People says Quinn's joke was offensive.

Quinn has apologized.

The city is investigating.


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