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Fans hurt after horse jumps into crowd

Updated: 2011-05-09 10:14


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SYDNEY – Spectators were hospitalized after a race horse hurdled the wrong fence and plunged into the crowd at a steeplechase in Australia Thursday.

Banna Strand, who had lost jockey Rowan Waymouth, leapt into a crowd of about 50 people after veering off course at the 5,500-meter race in Warrnambool, Victoria.

Seven people were taken to hospital, including a two-year-old girl and an elderly woman after the horse jumped a three-meter high fence, according to the AAP news agency.

Banna Strand was one of six horses who failed to complete the marathon race over 33 fences, Waymouth falling off his mount in a pile-up on the first lap.

Racing Victoria is set to launch an investigation into the incident in conjunction with the Warrnambool Racing Club.

"Our primary concern is for the well-being of those people that were injured in this freak accident," Racing Victoria chief executive Rob Hines said in a statement.

"Ambulances and paramedics were on hand to provide immediate assistance and transfer those requiring further attention to Warrnambool Base Hospital."

Racing Minister Denis Napthine added: "I have asked Racing Victoria to report back to me on existing safety measures and any recommendations to improve spectator safety."

A two-year-old girl suffered a fractured collarbone in the melee while an 80-year-old woman was having shoulder and hip x-rays, and a 12-year-old girl x-rays on her foot, said AAP.

Four people have been discharged from the hospital.

"There were people running everywhere and I could hear the screaming and a horse among all the people over there," an eye witness said.



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