
Odd News

Cat spends a week alone in camper after wreck

Updated: 2011-05-05 09:56


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CHARLESTON, South Carolina - Spencer the cat is now down to eight lives after surviving a crash and a week on his own.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reports the 11-year-old gray cat was in a camper that wrecked along Interstate 95 in the southeastern part of South Carolina.

Ann Laubacker of New York was driving home from Florida with her mother, a dog and four cats. Neither woman was hurt, and two of the cats and a dog were located after the wreck. A third cat was seen running into the woods, but no one could find Spencer.

That is until Tuesday, when an insurance adjuster checked the camper and found the cat hiding. The animal was badly dehydrated but is recovering with a vet's care. The owner and the cat were being reunited Wednesday.


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