

Brazil to offer 75,000 scholarships for youngsters

Updated: 2011-04-27 10:22


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RIO DE JANEIRO -- Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff announced Tuesday the government planned to offer 75,000 scholarships for youngsters to study abroad in the next four years.

"We will do what many countries in the world have done, which is to send Brazilians to take courses abroad, especially in the science filed," Rousseff said at a meeting of Brazil's Economic and Social Development Council.

She also called on the private sector to support the scholarship program.

"I want to make you an invitation and a challenge," Rousseff told the businessmen at the meeting. "I believe the private sector can help Brazil and Brazilian students, so that we can get to 100,000 scholarships by 2014," she added.

Meanwhile, the president said Brazil is facing "good problems" caused by development in the past few years.

These "good problems" are created by the need to expand the country's airports and to offer better training for its workforce, Rousseff said.


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