

Snapshots: The world in 24 hours Feb 14

Updated: 2011-02-15 19:31


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Snapshots: The world in 24 hours Feb 14

Romanian witches Bratara (L) and Monica prepare to perform a night witchcraft ritual in the outskirts of Bucharest Feb 14, 2011. A week ago Romania's government has proposed a new bill under which people who practice witchcraft can be fined or even imprisoned if their predictions do not come true. The bill will also mandate witches to keep permits, provide receipts for their services, and to stay away from schools and churches. [Photo/Agencies]

Snapshots: The world in 24 hours Feb 14

Druze men and women stand inside a building under construction during a rally at the village of Majdel Shams in the Golan Heights, on the Israeli side of the ceasefire line between Syria and Israel Feb 14, 2011, to mark the day Israel annexed the Golan Heights. Israel captured the Golan Heights in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it in 1981 in a move not recognized internationally. [Photo/Agencies]


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