
Odd News

1 year-old baby girl has 12 fingers, 14 toes

Updated: 2011-02-08 10:05


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YANGON -- A Myanmar child has claimed the Guinness world record for having more fingers and toes, the local weekly Messenger News reported Monday.

Lei Yadi Min, over 1 year-old baby girl, possesses 12 fingers -- six each hand, and 14 toes -- 7 each foot.

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Living in South Okkalarpa township in Yangon, the Myanmar baby girl is expected to win the record in the coming 2012 Guinness world record book.

At present, two Indian children, one over 5 years old and the other over 15 years old with 12 fingers and 13 toes, are registered as the Guinness world record.

Competing with Lei Yadi Min for the Guinness record is also an Indian rival, who owns eight toes each foot.

Lei Yadi Min is now living with her mother and sister in Yangon.

Meanwhile, a Myanmar citizen, U Khun Sai Maung Maung Gyi, 68, has claimed for the prize of Guinness World Record for his highest frequency of donating blood.

He started to donate his blood in February 1956 and completed 204 times in August 2010.


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