

Alcohol-related crime out of control in Austrilia

Updated: 2011-01-24 11:05


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SYDNEY -- Alcohol-related crime is out of control in New South Wales (NSW) of Australia and light sentences could be linked to a loss of respect for the police, said police union on Monday.

Four police officers were attacked over the weekend, with three of them needing treatment in hospital.

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"We've seen major jobs occur over the weekend where police officers are being assaulted by intoxicated idiots," said Scott Webber, president of the Police Association of NSW.

Webber wants more restrictions to control booze-fueled violence.

"Most of our jobs are after dark, 80 percent are alcohol-related. Alcohol-related crime is out of control," he told reporters on Monday.

The union wants all sides of government to get on board with the union's Last Drinks campaign, which includes restrictions to the sale of heavy liquor and 1 a.m. lockouts.

Webber said there had also been a loss of respect for police.

"That could be linked in regards to the judicial system when we see the police officers put an offender before the courts and they get a slap on the wrist for assault a police officer," he said.


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