Diplomatic and Military Affairs

US calls Chechen group terrorists, offers reward

Updated: 2011-05-27 11:03


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WASHINGTON - The United States has declared a Chechen group as a terrorist organization, and is offering up to $5 million for information leading to its commander.

The State Department announced the action against the Caucasus Emirate Thursday, after President Barack Obama met Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev in France.

The group is blamed for bombing Moscow's airport in January, two subway stations in 2010 and a Russian rail train in 2009. The attacks killed dozens.

The designation aims to block financial support for the militants. They want to expel Russia from the North Caucasus and establish an Islamic emirate.

The US also authorized a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the group's commander, Doku Umarov. It said he also has encouraged violence against the US, Britain and Israel.

US calls Chechen group terrorists, offers reward



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