Diplomatic and Military Affairs

US hopes to increase investment in Indonesia

Updated: 2011-05-03 13:37


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JAKARTA - The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), an investment vehicle of the US government, was hoping that investment in Indonesia could increase through an international investment conference in Jakarta on May 3-5, an official said here on Tuesday.  

Dr. Lawrence Spinelli, director of Public Relations at the OPIC, told reporters that currently there are $13 billion of money in the OPIC that is already invested in around 150 countries.

"And, we have invested $76 million in Indonesia. Hopefully, through the 7th OPIC International Investment Conference here, we could sign many agreements," said Spinelli without further elaborating.

He said that there are 120-130 companies that are already confirmed to participate in the event but he was hoping that by Wednesday, the number could increase.

"The companies focus on sectors of services industry, energy, tourism, renewable energy, information technology, construction, housing, agriculture mining, manufacture and health," he said.

He also stressed that renewable energy is his government's top priority as the world is facing environmental issues and at the same time, there are many American companies that have been investing a lot in the sector.

According to Spinelli, the event is very important for Indonesia and the United States as both sides could build network and find business opportunity.

OPIC is the US government's development finance institution that mobilizes private capital to help solve critical world challenges and in doing so, helps US businesses gain footholds in emerging markets.  

Like the previous six annual conferences, the conference in Indonesia will bring together American investors with local investors, financial organizations, private equity managers, partners and government officials.


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