
US Mississippi governor rules out running for president

Updated: 2011-04-26 08:26


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WASHINGTON - US Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour announced on Monday that he will not run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

"I will not be a candidate for president next year," Barbour said in a statement. "This has been a difficult, personal decision. "

The two-term governor had said he would make a decision before the end of April. Many have speculated he might run for president as he has paid trips to early presidential contest states such as Iowa and New Hampshire.

"This decision means I will continue my job as Governor of Mississippi, my role in the Republican Governors Association and my efforts to elect a new Republican president in 2012, as the stakes for the nation require that effort to be successful," the statement said.

Political analysts have been skeptical of Barbour's chances in 2012 as he has had poor performances in recent national polls.


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