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Wet, salty cat found in NYC; did it swim there?

Updated: 2011-04-22 07:10


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NEW YORK - Did a calico cat from New Jersey swim across New York Harbor?

The mystery surrounds a white, orange and black feline that arrived last weekend on Governors Island in New York.

Security guards found the cat on the island's north shore. Its fur was salty, matted and caked with seaweed.

A Governors Island spokeswoman, Elizabeth Rapuano, tells the Daily News that workers there have a theory: They think the cat managed to swim to safety after being swept up in torrential rains in New Jersey. That's over a mile (two kilometers) away.

Rapuano said the calico is a great addition to the 172-acre (70-hectare) island but will welcome any leads that would help find the owner.

The city is developing the island. Plans include a waterfront promenade and 87 acres (35 hectares) of green space.


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