Diplomatic and Military Affairs

US aircraft carrier to join military drills

Updated: 2011-03-09 15:06


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SEOUL - A US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will join the joint military drills with South Korea underway, the US military said Wednesday.

The carrier strike group including the Nimitz-class supercarrier USS Ronald Reagan will take part in Foal Eagle, part of routine annual drills aimed at boosting combat readiness, the US 7th Fleet said in a statement, adding that the exercise " highlights the longstanding military partnership and enduring friendship" between the allies.

The strike group consists of USS Ronald Reagan, guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville and Destroyer Squadrons 7, according to the statement.

The massive ongoing drills, dubbed the Key Resolve/Foal Eagle, were launched in late February.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has railed at the drills and accused the allies of conducting a war game, despite the claim by Seoul and Washington that the exercises are defensive in nature.


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