Tasting old world charm

Updated: 2016-02-17 09:56


Yang Feiyue

(China Daily)

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Tasting old world charm

The streets of Heping ancient town in Shaowu, Fujian province, paved with blue flagstones and cobblestones with old buildings on each side.[Photo by Yang Feiyue/ China Daily]

It has more than 200 buildings dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) in an area covering less than half a square kilometer. Despite being a national tourist attraction, it is still laid-back, Yang Feiyue discovers.

An open market fair drew a crowd in Heping ancient town on Feb 9, the second day of the Lunar New Year.

People dressed plainly with mud on their shoes laid out homemade food items on a street.

Carps and loaches were wriggling in plastic basins, and fresh meat was on display.

Many locals were there to replenish their food stocks for the rest of the holiday.

Some peddlers were using rarely seen iron scales to weigh their goods.

As we left the fair, the voices of haggling customers faded away.

Then, damp streets paved with blue flagstones and cobblestones led us to ancient-looking buildings built using black bricks and glazed tiles.

The town has more than 200 buildings dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) in an area covering less than half a square kilometer.

Sited in the south of Fujian province's Shaowu city, Heping ancient town used to be a transportation and commerce hub.

Historic sites, including a watch tower, a yamen (a government office in ancient times), an old-style private bank, a temple and public granary, all dot in the area.

In particular, there are five imposing private residences of ancient magistrates with their delicately carved doorplates.

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