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Fragrant Hills Park

Updated: 2011-06-24 17:02

By Daniele87 (

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Fragrant Hills Park

A Beijing travel not only gives the chance to experience one of the most beautiful shopping and modern society surrounding, but it also gives opportunity to get away from the daily routine and busy city life, mainly thanks to the several parks around the area of Beijing. Fragrant Hills Park is a public park at the foot of the Western mountains in the Haidian district, located in the northwestern part of Beijing. It covers 1.6 km² (395 acres) and it is constituted of a natural pine-cypress forest, hills with maple tree, and persimmon trees, as well as landscaped areas with traditional architecture and cultural relics. The name derives from Chinese Incense Burner the park’s highest peak, Xianglu Feng, (1827 ft) is a hill with two large stones resembling incense burners at the top. Xian Shan Park represents one of those fantastic getaways, it also offers a fantastic experience from an historic point of view as the area was home of leisure for past emperors and even chairman Mao himself. Xiang Shan is commonly known for its vivid reds of the deciduous trees in the autumn, some of its hidden corners are kept secrets in all of Beijing.

Fragrant Hills Park is recognized as one of the major tourist attractions in Beijing especially during autumn, where the natural scenery in the park suddenly turns spectacular, with fiery red smoke tree leaves covering the mountain side creating the opportunity to take amazing pictures. Every year, thousands of tourists ride the cable cars through the park in order see the hills in autumn colors. The grand opening of the annual as Red Leaf Festival of Beijing takes place there. In Season, thousands of people climb up the steps leading to the breathless Xiang Lu peak.

Fragrant Hills ParkThe park; built in 1186 during Jin Dynasty (1115 1234) has been further expanded during the Yuan and Ming Dynasty. Thanks to Emperor Qianlong, many halls, pavilions and garden were added to the park increasing the myth of the park changing its name in park of Tranquillity and Pleasure. However foreign troops especially during 1860, with the British arrivals, the park and its relics were completely destroyed. Other damages were afflicted to the park during the Eight-Nation Alliance in 1900, causing destruction of the park and the close Summer Palace. After all this negative events the Government since 1949 has been constantly restructuring and developing the park making the location one of the must-see attraction in Beijing.

The park offers two main routes to follow. The first one pass by the north area, where is possible to admire the immense beauty of the Yanjing Lake, the bridge, Study of reading Heart and the Bright Temple. The latter is a large Tibetan style complex built in 1780. The structure represents the residence of the sixth Panchen Lama during his visit to Emperor Qianlong. The park context also includes the Fragrant Hill Hotel, designed by I. M. Pei, famous for its unique design, which represents one of the most esclusive locations for a Beijing Hotels. The tour and complete view of the park is also available thanks to Beijing tours.



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