
Editor's Pick

Amazing unmentioned scenic spots for Golden Week

Updated: 2011-04-20 16:06

(Global Times)

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Amazing unmentioned scenic spots for Golden Week

Tianzi Mountain, Hunan (Photo: Global Times)

Tianzi Mountain, Hunan

Tianzi Mountain is located in the northwest of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie and close to the Suoxi Valley. It is composed of nearly 100 natural spots for sightseeing: more than 2000 rocky peaks and a group of waterfalls and springs. The most spectacular scene that visitors favor are: the sea of clouds, the wavelike stone ranges, the sunrise as well as the snowcaps in the winter.

Surrounding scenic sights: Shen Tang Wan (Shen Tang Wan Gulf), Xi Hai (West Sea), Yu Bi Feng (Imperial Brush Peak), Tian Zi Ge (Heaven's Son Pavilion) and so on.

Admission fee: 248 yuan

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