

Blatter acknowledges FIFA faces problems

Updated: 2011-06-01 09:06


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ZURICH - President Sepp Blatter acknowledged that corruption scandals have left FIFA "shaking on its foundations" on the eve of an election which should give him four more years to overcome the turmoil that has soiled the image of football's governing body.

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It was a stunning turnaround in 24 hours for Blatter, after he flatly denied Monday that the bribery case that led to the suspension of his only challenger for the presidency had caused even a hint of crisis within FIFA.

On Tuesday, two more top sponsors broke the decorum of business-as-usual to express their concern about the stains the scandals left on the sport - and by extension, their global investment in football.

And IOC President Jacques Rogge compared FIFA's situation to the cathartic Olympic corruption crisis a dozen years ago in the run-up to the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games, urging football to force through the same kind of fundamental reforms which saved it from collapse.

"I am sure that FIFA also can emerge stronger," Rogge told the 208 delegations at the FIFA Congress, who will have little option but to confirm the 75-year-old Swiss for a last term on Wednesday.

England launched a lone quest to postpone the election but found little interest beyond Scotland _ nowhere near the groundswell of more than 150 delegations needed to push through a motion.

"One is entitled to a minority view, even a singular view," said David Bernstein, the chairman of the English FA.

It should bring little relief to Blatter, who came to realize Tuesday he faces a myriad of problems.

"I thought we were in a world of fair play, respect and discipline and unfortunately I have to see it no longer is the case," Blatter said. "There is danger."

The Congress set off with a lavish ceremony for the delegates who gathered from around the globe, with a glitzy upbeat show headlined by a scantily dressed Grace Jones belying the deep problems FIFA is facing.

"I thought this was a party," Jones shouted when she failed to get everyone to their feet with such classics as "Pull up to the Bumper" and "Slave to the Rhythm."

Even though they were still in Zurich, Bin Hammam and FIFA vice president Jack Warner were notable for their absence at the festivities, suspended from all football activities until the conclusion of a probe into allegations that Caribbean football leaders were paid $40,000 each to back Bin Hammam's presidential bid.

On the eve of the election, Blatter also had to deal with two more leading sponsors criticizing FIFA's inability to deal with pervasive corruption claims.

Financial services giant Visa and airline Emirates joined fellow World Cup sponsors Coca-Cola and Adidas in voicing disappointment about the situation. Visa even went as far as to call for reform to contain the crisis.

"The current situation is clearly not good for the game and we ask that FIFA take all necessary steps to resolve the concerns that have been raised," Visa said in a statement.

Within the Congress center, Blatter and the delegates even had to sit and listen to being publicly scolded by Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey.

"Take seriously the many criticisms voiced about corruption and a lack of transparency," she said. "Take the necessary measures to reform your governance."

Transparency International, a German-based anti-corruption watchdog, was equally critical.

"Free and fair elections cannot take place when there is a suspicion that voters may have been swayed," spokeswoman Sylvia Schenk said in a statement. "FIFA should be setting a better example to its billions of supporters and especially to young fans that look to the sport for inspiration and role models."

Some European Union parliamentarians also called for drastic reform.

The widespread dissatisfaction piled more pressure on Blatter, who has downplayed the chaos in FIFA's ranks as late as Monday.

"Crisis? What is a crisis," Blatter said at a news conference late Monday. "Football is not in a crisis."

With no challenger left, a final term would give Blatter 17 years at the helm of FIFA. Combined with the 24 years Brazil's Joao Havelange was in charge, it would leave the fate of football over four decades in the hands of just two men.


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