

London Olympic torch to have round-the-clock protection

Updated: 2011-05-20 15:27


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LONDON - A team of 28 police officers will provide round-the-clock protection for the Olympic flame of 2012 London Olympics and its torchbearers from potential protests or dissident groups as the relay makes its way around the country, police said on Thursday.

There was no intelligence of any specific threat to the relay, according to National Olympic Security Coordinator, Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison, but protest groups and some dissident nationalists opposed to Britain's control of Northern Ireland could pose a threat.

More on 2012 Olympic torch relay:
London Olympic torch to have round-the-clock protection London torch relay to start where the land ends

The torch, which will start its journey at Land's End in the southwest on May 19 and end at the main stadium in East London on July 27, is due to travel to Northern Ireland and possibly the Irish Republic.

The unprecedented levels of security surrounding Queen Elizabeth's visit to Ireland this week reflect continuing tensions, with the threat level at its highest since a 1998 peace deal.

Possible revenge attacks after the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden has been a concern too. Four Islamists killed 52 people in attacks on the London transport network the day after the city was awarded the Games in 2005.

The 28 officers, who will wear a special uniform but be unarmed, will accompany 8,000 torchbearers largely nominated from the general public during the torch's 70-day journey, with eight officers held in reserve.

"Clearly we will work with protest groups if people come forward," Allison said. "But the 8,000 people make a plea for not disrupting this event because the only people you're disrupting is people who are going to have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

He said he hoped dissident activity would have stopped by the time the torch arrived in Northern Ireland, but planning and coordination would look to meet any threat.

The team will cover 8,000 miles, with a minimum of two officers running alongside the torchbearer at any one time, though planning and tactics will vary according to the different conditions and locations.

The officers, of whom 40 percent are women, were chosen from 664 applicants, and selected for their levels of fitness, communication and leadership skills.

Torchbearers will cover an average 300 metres each, though the flame will travel for about 12 hours a day, which is why the police team, which also includes two from the volunteer reserve territorial army, was also selected for its stamina.


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