

Nepali president honors sole Asiad medal winner

Updated: 2011-04-18 09:49


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Nepali president honors sole Asiad medal winner

Deepak Maharjan, Nepal's sole medalist in the 16th Asian Games, file photo. [Photo/Agencies]

KATHMANDU - Deepak Maharjan, the only medalist in the 16th Asian Games, has been honored with cash on Sunday through the hand of Nepali President Ram Varan Yadhav.

President Yadhav honored Maharjan with 100,000 Nepali rupees (some $1,400) and felicitation letter in his residential office in capital Kathmandu.

After being honored Maharjan said that he has gained encouragement to do better in the future. "If the government sends me for training overseas, I am sure bringing good results in future."

"This award is from the state for his medal won by the hard work and dedication," President Yadhav said and added "I am hopeful on Maharjan that one day he will bring gold medal for the country."

Maharjan, the only medalist for Nepal, won bronze medal in the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, last year.



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