

'Disgusted' Contador hits out at WADA, UCI

Updated: 2011-02-12 07:40

(China Daily)

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'Disgusted' Contador hits out at WADA, UCI

MADRID - A "disgusted" Alberto Contador hit out on Thursday at the Spanish federation, which he accused of buckling to pressure from anti-doping authorities and proposing he serve a one-year ban from cycling.

The future of Contador, a three-time Tour de France champion, has hung in the balance since he announced last August he had tested positive for traces of the banned substance Clenbuterol during last July's race.

Despite repeatedly denying taking any banned substances, blaming the result on food contamination, it increasingly looks like stage racing's biggest talent will be banned.

The Spanish cycling federation (RFEC) made a proposal last month to ban Contador for a year, an offer which was seen by experts as a compromise deal.

However Contador immediately opposed the proposal, declaring he would not accept a ban as he had done nothing wrong.

He now believes the RFEC was pressured into making the proposal by the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and feels "let down" by his federation's failure to clear him.

"The UCI and WADA exerted a lot of pressure before that proposal" from the RFEC was made on January 26," the Spaniard said on Thursday.

"The RFEC knows I've always advocated an anti-doping stance. Everyone knows what's going on, but now I'm in a position where I'm facing a ban. It really makes you lose confidence" in the system.

"I'm disgusted ... I feel really let down by the attitude of the federation. This case has become way too politicized and it has prejudiced my case."

He said: "The federation has our entire dossier. It is a long and comprehensive work which clears everything up.

"They could have consulted an article which proves my innocence, but they haven't and for that I am disappointed."

A defiant Contador said he would fight any future ban all the way: "I'm ready for whichever battle comes up."

The RFEC is soon expected to announce the length of Contador's sanction.

If the Spanish cycling authorities fail to ban Contador, the UCI, which is understood to want to apply the anti-doping rules to the letter, would likely appeal the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in a bid to ban the Spaniard.

The 28-year-old, who is also a former winner of the Giro d'Italia and Tour of Spain, would then lose his 2010 Tour victory.

Clenbuterol is a banned weight loss/muscle-building drug which is also used to fatten cattle. Contador claims he ate a steak that was contaminated by the drug.

Agence France-Presse

(China Daily 02/12/2011 page16)


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