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China endeavors to improve human rights

Updated: 2011-07-13 07:37

(China Daily)

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Thirdly, we must adhere to the rule of law, and promote human rights development on this basis. The rule of law is the guarantee for realizing human rights. We should comprehensively implement the rule of law as a fundamental principle, enhancing democratic legal system, improve laws and regulations to promote and protect human rights, ensure strict judicial justice and law enforcement, promote and safeguard human rights by rule of law, and constantly enhance the legal protection of human rights.

Fourthly, we must improve institutionalization, adhere to the guidance by the government, and mobilize the joint participation of all social circles to promote the development of the cause of human rights. The joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Plan was initiated by the Information Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and comprises the State's legislative and judicial organs and related functional departments of the State Council. By organizing conferences, research and inspections, it coordinates and evaluates the implementation of the Action Plan, thereby playing a significant role in this respect. We should continue to stick to and improve the joint meeting mechanism, bring its advantage into full play, constantly strive for the establishment, perfection and innovation of the mechanism, and mobilize concerted efforts to promote the overall development of human rights.

We are also conscious of the fact that China is a developing country, and the course of human rights in China is also at the stage of development. Our national development remains significantly unbalanced and uncoordinated because of resource and environmental restrictions on economic growth, wide gaps in income distribution, increasing pressures on prices, soaring housing prices in some cities, food safety problems, insufficient and unevenly distributed educational and medical resources, unbalanced urban and rural development, and increasing social conflicts caused by illegal land requisitioning. At the same time, we should also be aware of our weakness in safeguarding the people's democratic rights and interests. Affected and restricted by natural, historical and cultural factors, and economic and social development levels, the cause of human rights in China is still facing many difficulties and challenges, and there is still a long way to go before achieving the lofty goal of the Chinese citizens fully enjoying human rights.

To consolidate and expand the achievements of the National Human Rights Action Plan for promoting the cause of human rights in China, and to continue to unwaveringly push forward the comprehensive development of this great cause, with the approval of the central government and on behalf of the joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Plan, I hereby announce that China is to initiate a new phase of the National Human Rights Action Plan. It will be guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development and the aim of expanding democracy, enhancing the rule of law, improving the people's livelihood and safeguarding human rights, as put forward in the Report of the 17th CPC National Congress, while incorporating the 12th Five-year Plan and the medium and long-term work plans of all departments of the State organs, and comprehensively and systematically setting out the goal and measures for China in all respects of human rights during the period 2012-2015.

China will continue to adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, while upholding the principle of putting people first, further improve the legal system to safeguard human rights and enhance social awareness of the importance of respecting and protecting human rights, comprehensively promote the cause of human rights in China, and safeguard the economic, political, cultural and social rights and interests of the people in accordance with the law, and ensure that the lives of all Chinese citizens become ever more secure, dignified and happy.

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