
Op-Ed Contributors

Candid talks constructive

Updated: 2011-07-13 07:37

By Zhu Feng (China Daily)

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Instead, the changes have been in perception and sensibility. For example, some Chinese people, excited about the GDP indicator, want to reposition China in the Asia Pacific, while some Americans are intent on holding a tight string to prevent Beijing from eroding American strategic assets in East Asia.

Beijing repeatedly asserts that China's rise will be peaceful, but this finds little echo in the US, and Washington reiterates that it does not seek to act toward China as it did toward the Soviet Union, which finds little audience in China.

If distrust drives animosity, the Sino-US relationship has never been more worrying, or more pernicious.

In this sense, the healthy evolution of Sino-US relations requires cooperation, collaboration, and restraint. Trust is not a fruit that is easily picked. The two powers will not realize "mutual respect and win-win partnership" unless they create the opportunity to reflect on their agenda seriously and honestly. The first China-US Consultations on the Asia Pacific will help create this opportunity.

Given the fluidity of world affairs, even countries as powerful as the US and China cannot manipulate regional politics. Instead the consultations were aimed at synchronizing the two countries' goals and policies and reducing misperceptions and distrust as much as possible.

China has added greatly to regional prosperity and stability since its reform and opening-up. But the challenge for Beijing is how to exercise its growing power and influence in a way that promotes trust. The challenge for the US is how to accommodate Beijing's legitimate interests, while maintaining its dominant status.

Therefore, the significance of the consultations is they help build functional bridges between Beijing and Washington that will eliminate misjudgments. Without the consultations, "surprises" might threaten the stability of the bilateral ties.

The ministerial meeting of the 2011 ASEAN Regional Forum began on Sunday and the South China Sea is in the spotlight once again, but the consultations suggest that anyone who bought a ticket hoping to watch China and the US squabbling will be disappointed.

The author is deputy director of the Center for International & Strategic Studies, and professor of the School of International Studies, Peking University.

(China Daily 07/13/2011 page8)

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