
Op-Ed Contributors

Distorting truth with biased perspective

Updated: 2011-03-24 07:58

By Mo Nong (China Daily)

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What this country has achieved in the past three decades suggests that this political system works for us. The great change Chinese people have experienced in their lives in the past three decades testifies to the fact that Chinese people have benefited from this political system.

And regardless of whatever problems China's political system has, it does not justify the unethical practice some Western media have used to spread rumors against this country.

Those who are biased against this country should come to see with their own eyes how the Chinese government and its people are pushing to fix the various problems in the country and how they are also trying to fix the system with reforms.

There is no reason for these Western news organizations to look at China with a Cold War mentality and it is not in the least justifiable for them to use unethical journalism against this country.

If anything, the unprincipled means they have employed to defame China has achieved nothing more than exposing their own hypocrisy.

The author is a senior writer with China Daily.

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