
Op-Ed Contributors

People first, not GDP

Updated: 2011-03-18 07:52

By Qin Xiaoying (China Daily)

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By downplaying the role of GDP in national economic and social development, the central government aims to readjust the country's long-controversial economic and industrial structure in a bid to improve its economic quality and efficiency. At the same time, the government also intends to invest more heavily in improving people's livelihoods and protecting the environment.

And, by correcting the past GDP-dominant "political merit" concept, the Chinese government is also aiming at a pragmatic, efficient, service-oriented and people-friendly government.

Overcoming the GDP obsession will promote the transformation from the past extensive and quantity-based development model to an intensive and quality-based one. It also demonstrates the Chinese government's commitment to serving the people and improving its governance ability.

As GDP-led development is phased out, a new set of standards aimed at more accurately measuring residents' living quality and the country's economic and social progress is being adopted, shaping a kind of "happiness index".

The author is a research scholar with the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies.

(China Daily 03/18/2011 page8)

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