
Op-Ed Contributors

Development plan has global significance

Updated: 2011-03-17 08:01

(China Daily)

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Also in the new Five-Year Plan, the world media have noticed China will continue its opening-up and "going global" strategy to boost mutual investment, as well as its wish to promote dialogue and cooperation with major powers while advancing ties with other developing nations.

The Wall Street Journal took China's economic links with Japan and Brazil as examples.

"In Japan, the largest maker of construction equipment Komatsu Ltd drew 2.3 percent of revenue from China a decade ago; today it gets 19 percent," the newspaper said on Friday in an article on China's rising economic interactions with other parts of the world.

It also mentioned the plan of Eike Batista, Brazil's richest man, to build a super-port worth $2.6 billion for China-bound tankers.

Meanwhile, the latest volume of Foreign Affairs magazine anticipates a more confident and constructive China as a participant in world affairs.

Indeed, as China seeks common development and prosperity with the world, it is acting soundly to rebut the allegation that it is eating the lunch of others.

As peace and development remain the world's major themes, it is widely believed that China's new development blueprint for the coming five years will not only bring new momentum to its own growth, but also contribute to world peace and common development.

The article is a commentary from Xinhua News Agency.

(China Daily 03/17/2011 page8)

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