

Randy Quaid performs 'Star Whackers' song

Updated: 2011-03-21 10:18


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TORONTO  - First he ran from the star whackers. Now Randy Quaid has taken to a Vancouver concert stage to blast them in song with his backup band, The Fugitives.

The American actor performed two songs at the Commodore Ballroom on Friday night, telling the audience they were about "experiences that my wife and I have gone through for the last few months, and we hope you enjoy them."

The first song had Quaid croon a romantic tune entitled "Will We Be Together Then?" Then came the much-heralded "Star Whackers" song, which referenced TMZ, murdering people and selling their organs on eBay.

The song, captured in a video making the rounds on YouTube and elsewhere online, ended with Quaid on his knees and finally his back, under a lone spotlight and surrounded by wild applause.

The performance was Quaid's first public gig since being granted permanent residency status in Canada by local authorities. He was allowed to stay in Canada because his wife, Evi Quaid, received her Canadian citizenship card in February because her father was born here.

Quaid was asked by the rock band The Town Pants to open their Vancouver gig Friday night during their West Coast concert swing.


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