Want good eyesight? Try eating durians

Updated: 2012-11-07 10:10

(The Straits Times/asianewsnet)

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Want good eyesight? Try eating durians

Dr Por Yong Ming (left), 40, and Dr Jerry Tan (centre), 55, unveiling their book with Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped executive committee member Khoo Kong Ngian, 66. [Photo/The Straits Times]

Everyone knows carrots are good for your sight, but what about durians and marigolds?

Eye surgeons Jerry Tan and Por Yong Ming launched a book yesterday that aims to help people eat their way to better vision. In it, they reveal that durians provide cataract-fighting vitamin B and marigolds contain lutein, which helps to combat macular degeneration.

"Lots of eye and blinding diseases can be prevented," said Dr Tan, 55. He added that the proceeds of the S$26 book will go to the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped.

Called Nutrition And The Eye, the book includes input from Chinese physician Tang Yue and Professor Hugh T.W. Tan of the National University of Singapore. It provides a pictorial glossary of Chinese herbs, acupressure techniques and even instructions on how to grow goji berries.

The book, which its authors hope will raise S$100,000 (US$82,000), also compares standards for the recommended intake of vitamins in the United States, Britain and Singapore.

It is available from the association, Jerry Tan Eye Surgery, and Pharmaplus. Braille and audiobook versions will be released next year.

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