
Chinese Way

Love in tradition

Updated: 2007-07-16 13:26


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Truelove Knot

Love in tradition

Truelove knot is the keepsake of love used to express a solemn pledge of love from of old. Now it is regarded publicly as a token of engagement in Chinese folk society. On their night of their marriages, both the husband and wife would knot their long hair together, and promise to each other forever.


Love in tradition

In ancient China, hair was called "threadlike things of troubles" (so monks will cut their hair off completely.). Combs can arrange hairs, so people think of it as a way to clear their troubled minds. I It also has the meaning of "smooth and prosper," so combs represent people's good wishes.

White Handkerchief

Love in tradition

Handkerchiefs as a keepsake of love began in the Tang dynasty. There is a story that Zhang Sheng and Cui Ying-ying wrote poems in handkerchiefs and exchanged it to express their love in Yuan Zhen's "The Story of Mandarin Duck." In the Tang dynasty, many girls printed their lips in white handkerchief to present to the man they loved. In the Song dynasty, girls usually printed their eyebrows in the white handkerchief.

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