Chinese premier underlines peaceful settlement of boundary issues with India

Updated: 2016-04-22 01:38


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India is willing to enhance high-level exchanges with China, deepen bilateral economic and security cooperation and properly deal with boundary issues, so as to ensure greater development of bilateral ties, said Doval.

Meng Jianzhu, China's top official in charge of political and legal affairs, also met with Doval on Thursday.

Meng, head of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, called for mutual support from the two sides on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concern.

He said the two sides should strengthen law-enforcement cooperation on fighting terrorism, separatism, cross-border crime and cybercrimes.

Doval said India is ready to beef up law-enforcement cooperation with China to safeguard security and stability in both countries and the region.


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