Old mine rails transformed into destination for romance

Updated: 2016-01-06 08:20

By Huo Yan in Heshan, Guangxi and Lin Shujuan in Beijing(China Daily)

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Old mine rails transformed into destination for romance

Visitors pose with statues of Minions.

Liang Shilian, a nearby resident, said her 65-year-old father had been a miner for 30 years, but had seldom visited the area since the mines stopped operating.

"I'm glad that they are restoring the area and the rail," Liang said. "I grew up seeing the trains chugging along with coal on the rails. It was kind of sad to hear it getting quiet."

She has become a frequent visitor to the rail and usually brings her children.

"I talk to them about the rail and how it became a lifeline for the city and our family in the past century," Liang said. "I want them to remember that we are the offspring of miners, which we should be proud of."

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