Hong Kong chief urges self-discipline

Updated: 2015-10-23 08:13

By KAHON CHAN(China Daily)

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Hong Kong chief urges self-discipline

Relatives of Miao Chunqi, 54, go to identify his body at a mortuary in Hong Kong on Thursday. Miao was beaten to death after trying to stop an argument in a jewelry shop.[Photo/CHINA DAILY]

Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, in light of the death of a mainland tourist, called for self discipline from the tourism industry to prevent tarnishing the city's reputation.

The online community on the mainland has grown furious since a construction contractor, 54-year-old Miao Chunqi, died on Tuesday. He reportedly was trying to break up a brawl when a gang of four men dragged him out of a jewelry shop and beat him up on the street.

Leung told Hong Kong's Legislative Council on Thursday that although the government is working on a new regulatory regime, the industry must always use a high degree of self discipline because Hong Kong's reputation could be jeopardized by an incident.

The call came two days after the death of Miao, from Harbin, Heilongjiang province. His family has arrived in Hong Kong and his wife demanded justice from Hong Kong authorities.

"What is the link between the tour operator and the jewelry? Who are they andwhat is their background," she said outside the mortuary in tears."Why did they dare to beat (Miao) to death in broad day-light?"

Two tour guides, 32-year-old Liu Yang and 44-year-old Ricky Woo Yin-nam, were brought to a local court on Thursday morning to face a manslaughter charge.

The duo was identified as part of a gang, but Liu said he did not beat Miao on the street. Woo testified that his use of force was intended to resolve the dispute. The court refused to grant bail and they will remain in detention until their next court appearance on Dec 22.

Tian Ma (International) Travel Limited, the Hong Kong organizer of Miao's tour group, also faces a sanction from the industry's self-regulatory body and a possible police probe.

The Hong Kong government has been drafting a new law since 2011 to create the Travel Industry Authority, a statutory body that will take over regulatory functions from the Travel Industry Council.

Hong Kong's commerce and economic development secretary Gregory So Kamleung was unable to give a date to implement the proposal, citing "complexities" in relation to "opinions" from the trade.

He assured he would work with the industry and investigate whether individuals or companies had breached the regulations.
