14 students ill after suspected food poisoning in N China

Updated: 2015-09-24 10:59


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OHHOT -- Fourteen students at a vocational college have fallen ill over suspected food poisoning in Hohhot, capital of northern China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

Students at the Inner Mongolia Vocational College of Chemical Engineering began to report symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and fever after eating food from the college canteen last Sunday.

At least 14 students received treatment at the International Mongolian Medicine Hospital. Six have been discharged.

One student, who was sent to the hospital on Tuesday, said he suspected the "problems existed in the food and hot water at the college". Many more students reported minor symptoms of vomiting, but were not severe enough to demand medical treatment.

Sources at the college said the regional disease prevention center has collected samples of food and water from the college for testing. The cause for the suspected poisoning will be further investigated.
