Seven rescued after coal mine cave-in

Updated: 2011-11-20 09:47


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XIANGHUANG BANNER, Inner Mongolia - Seven out of 12 miners trapped in a caved-in coal mine in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region have been rescued by Sunday morning, while the other five remain missing.

About 200 rescuers are searching for the five miners two days after the Yuanlin Coal Mine in the region's Xianghuang Banner collapsed, said a spokesman with the local rescue headquarters.

The rescued miners are being treated in a hospital about 40 km away from the mine and their injuries are not life-threatening, the spokesman said.

Thirteen miners were working underground when the accident occurred at 3:10 am on Friday, and only one escaped. Later that day, rescuers managed to get in touch with seven trapped miners and pulled them out of the pit.