
From Chinese Media

More rich Chinese choose investment immigration

Updated: 2011-06-14 17:09

By Yin Mingzhe (

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More than 6,000 people from the Chinese mainland received immigration visas from the United States, Canada and Australia in 2010, the Beijing News reported Tuesday.

The number of Chinese people who emigrate and receive visas from other countries if they can show they possess a specified amount of investments funds has been increasing in recent years. A survey showed that 27 percent of those who hold investable assets of more than 100 million yuan ($15.42 million) have already emigrated, and those who are considering emigration account for 47 percent, the newspaper reported.

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People whose age ranges from 35 to 45 are the main immigrant force. They chose the US, Canada and Australia as their preferred destinations because of the education systems, the survey showed. I hope my children can go to the best school abroad and with the immigration visa, a large part of tuition can be exempted, a man who was only identified by his last name of Su told the newspaper.

The threshold of investments for immigration visas varies based on the destinations. An investment of 1.46 million yuan can buy a person immigration status in Canada, while the US requires the least money, according to the newspaper.

Well Trend, an immigration service provider, said that in 2011, popular destinations such as Canada, Australia and Singapore raised their investment immigration thresholds.


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