China / Trending across China

Trending across China

( Updated: 2014-03-05 09:34

A proposal at CPPCC to give civil servants a big raise is widely condemned, and a new smartphone is coming in April from Xiaomi, the Mi 3S.

Raises for civil servants condemned

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A proposal submitted by CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) committee member He Xiangjiu to raise the pay for civil servants led to thousands condemning the plan online, Beijing News reported.

He explained that he suggested a progressive pay raise for grass-roots-level civil servants, not "a substantial pay raise for all civil servants."

"Most civil servants are diligent workers and don't have gray incomes. We can't let these people pay for the corrupt ones. But those who condemned me also woke me up. They made me realize how serious the antagonism is between the people and civil servants. It's urgent for civil servants to improve their public image," He said.


2014 NPC & CPPC

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Mi 3S to debut in April

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According to, Xiaomi will release its mobile phone 3S on April 9. Mi 3S, with a brand new design, supports 4G network and has an updated memory and camera.

Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi, said on his micro blog that he has been using the Mi 3S.


Xiaomi targets 40 million smartphones in 2014

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Tiger injured in brick attack by visitors

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A Siberian tiger in Hefei Wildlife Park was injured when it was attacked by three brick-throwing visitors on Monday, the Market Star Newspaper reported on Tuesday. The three men, who got into the zoo by climbing over the wall, attacked the 14-year-old animal with bricks as it was taking a nap under the sightseeing bridge. One brick hit the tiger on his bottom. The breeder called police and the men were arrested.


Fatal tiger attack 'points to flaws in zoo management'

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Police shoot loose bull in downtown area

A bull weighing more than 450 kg was killed by police after it ran wild in the downtown area and damaged a taxi and police car, Chongqing Evening News reported on Tuesday. The bull ran out of control at about 5:30 pm on Monday when it was taken off a truck. Police found the bull one hour later and tried to catch it but failed. Police then shot the bull with a rifle.


'One day, wolves may attack humans'

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Weighted vest keeps ex-police officer fit

Wu Shiyou, a 60-year-old retired police officer, has a novel way of keeping fit - carrying extra weight on his body. He wears a special vest for 17 hours each day with two lead bricks tucked inside, each weighing 11 kilograms, Chongqing Evening News reported on Tuesday. Wu, who has been using the system for the past five years, says he is in perfect health and rarely gets sick.


Getting right fit is harder than it looks

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Kindergarten collapse kills child, hurts 3 others

The roof of an unlicensed kindergarten collapsed early Tuesday morning in Xinyang, killing one child and slightly injuring three others, local authorities said. The collapse occurred at about 1 am in Tuodian village, burying 13 children at the boarding school. The fatally injured child died on the way to the hospital. The owner of the kindergarten, surnamed Yu, had dismantled the wall between two rooms on Feb 28, making the building unstable, local officials said.


Man detained for threats against kindergarteners

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Man starts his own fifth Long March

Li Wanbin, 53, set out on his fifth trek along the route of the Long March on Tuesday, retracing the steps of the Red Army between 1934 and 1936. He started from Luoshan county, with his wife and one friend, Henan Business Daily reported. Li, a resident of Jilin, has traveled 30,000 km on four previous trips over the past decade, wearing out 30 pairs of shoes. Li said he wanted more people to know about the famous journey, which covered 12,500 km.


Long march and unending victories

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Unreaped rewards

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Nearly 170 hectares of Chinese cabbage have been left in the field because of an oversupply. Local officials are helping the farmers to open more sales channels to reduce losses.


Price drops reflect widening gap in property market

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