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Student killer says sorry

( Updated: 2014-02-24 10:43

Fans of Korean TV wonder who will star in the Chinese version, and some real estate in Beijing is affordable, but it comes with a catch - it can't be traded for 5 years.

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Student killer says sorry

Lin Senhao, a 28-year-old postgraduate student from Fudan University's School of Medicine in Shanghai, was sentenced to death in Shanghai on Feb 18. Lin was charged with poisoning to death his roommate Huang Yang through the water dispenser in the dorm on April 1, 2013. Huang fell ill right after drinking water from the dispenser, and died 15 days later, CCTV reported.

During the trial, Lin did not glance at his father, who was sitting in the public seats in court. When interviewed by the media, Lin said, "All I can say to my parents is that I am sorry. Please tell them to forget me, please put me behind them."


Fudan medical student's body sent for autopsy

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

'Affordable' housing in Beijing

Residential real estate in Beijing that comes with a five-year ban on trading was priced at most 28,000 yuan ($4,608) per square meter. The housing is located in Laiguangying of Chaoyang district. (


China builds more affordable housing

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Who will star in Chinese version?

South Korean TV show "You Are From the Stars" is a huge hit among young people in China, and Media Asia Group Ltd in Hong Kong is working with SBS in South Korea to film a Chinese version of the series. This has brought massive discussion about who will star in the film. Mainland actress Tang Wei and Hong Kong actress Hsu Chi got many votes as their outspoken personalities resemble the heroine in the TV series, Beijing News reported.


Crazy for South Korean stars

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Military theorist mocked

Zhang Zhaozhong, a well-known expert in military theory, made the comment, "The smoggy weather in China is the best to defend against US laser weapons," during a TV interview. His comment was again widely teased by netizens over the weekend, when heavy smog descended over northern parts of China, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

In response, Zhang said he was just trying to say that the US' laser weapon had its faults, and that he was not trying to say that the smoggy weather in China is a good thing. He suggests that netizens finish watching the entire interview before calling his words "hilarious."


People shun outdoors amid smog

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Drivers lose perks

Many people who used to work as drivers for government officials are quitting their jobs as they are losing many of their perks compared to previous years. An anonymous driver who recently quit his job as a driver for the government in the Yangtze River Delta said his income had dropped at least 30,000 yuan from previous years, after the anti-corruption regulations of 2013. He said that in 2011, he received thousands yuan in vouchers and at least seven iPhones and iPads, Beijing Youth Daily reported.


Govt car drivers seek other jobs

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Upset over hospital treatment

A TV anchor at Guangdong TV Station, Wang Mudi, tweeted on his micro blog that he was "so angry and he feels like he wants to slash people" because his girlfriend was punctured four times for transfusion at a hospital.

His tweet soon got wide criticism on the Internet, and Wang later replied that he was in a very agitated mood after some of the hospital staff acted impatient and unprofessional. The anchor later apologized for his rude attitude on the micro blog. The man also called for mutual trust and understanding between hospitals and patients, Beijing Times reported.


Hospital to boost security after string of attacks

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Ticketing site enhances security

Train travelers in China will need to get their personal ID verified when purchasing a ticket starting next month.

Starting March 1,, the official website for purchasing train tickets, will need to register with their real names and personal ID. Once registered, the information will be unchangeable, and the website will verify the personal information provided.


Wuhan police bust fake train ticket ring

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

<P>Student killer says sorry</P>

Crime gang brought to justice

A group of 15 underground criminals in Guanghan, Sichuan province, was recently put on trial in Hubei province. The group, led by Liu Wei and his brother, is one of the largest underworld crime groups to appear in court in China in recent years. The group has been involved in a series of crime, including a shooting on Jan 10, 2009, that left two people dead and many injured. Many local people were happy to hear that the brothers were caught, and some even set off firecrackers to celebrate. (www.


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