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National family planning official visits EU HQ and Belgium


China and the European Union (EU) are looking for more chances to cooperate in the health business, according to a vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission who made the remark at a Sino-EU health conference, during a visit to EU headquarters and Belgium, April 9-11.

China, Africa to strength health cooperation


The 5th International Roundtable on China-Africa Health Collaboration is held in Beijing on March 26, 2015. The roundtable serves as an important platform for both sides to strengthen cooperation in health care.

Beijing symposium concentrates on Ebola prevention and control


There was an important international symposium on Ebola in Beijing, March 23-24, sponsored by the NHFPC and WHO, and with Cui Li, an NHFPC vice-minister addressing the opening ceremony.

Chinese bio-safety lab put in place in Africa


A biosafety laboratory that China provided for Sierra Leone went into operation, on March 11,to support lab testing for contagious diseases and to provide a foundation for redeveloping Sierra Leone’s health system.

Ma Xiaowei meets with Singaporean ambassador to China


Ma Xiaowei, the vice-minister of the NHFPC, met with Luo Jialiang, the Singaporean ambassador to China. Both sides exchanged ideas about mutual cooperation between the two countries in the field of health.

China and US cooperate in new emerging and re-emerging contagious diseases


The ninth meeting of the cooperation committee of Sino-US cooperative project for new emerging and re-emerging contagious diseases was held in Beijing on December 8.

Overseas centers to help infectious disease research


China plans to setup overseas research centers for pathogens and tropical infectious diseases in Africa to improve international collaboration.

Li Bin attends fourth BRICS Health Ministers’ Meeting


The fourth BRICS Health Ministers’ Meeting was held in Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, on December 5.

Link: China's Central Government / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China

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