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Changchun to hold China-Northeast Asia Expo


Nine exhibition halls and dozens of negotiation conferences will be set during the 11th China-Northeast Asia Expo held in Changchun from Sept 1 to 5.

Jilin will see international goods expo in September


The China-Northeast Asia Expo and the International Goods Exhibition will get underway in the agriculture expo park of the city of Changchun, Jilin province, on Sept 15 and run for four days.

Shanxi products on display in Seoul


Hundreds of Shanxi's products in 11 categories were on display at the first leg of the 2016 Shanxi Brand Silk Road Tour that opened in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on May 10.

China, South Korea to strengthen exchange and cooperation


On May 12, Li Xiaolin, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), met with Liu Zhengfu, mayor of Incheon, South Korea, and his party in Beijing.

Japan to issue 10-year multi-entry visas for Chinese


Japan will further ease visa requirements for Chinese citizens as part of its plan to attract 40 million foreign tourists every year by 2020.

Yantai to focus on e-commerce industry with Korean partners


Authorities in Yantai have pledged to develop the city's e-commerce industry by drawing on support from its close business relations with South Korea and its rich farm produce resources.

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